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Build Immunity With This Turmeric, Black Pepper And Carrot Juice

 Build Immunity With This Turmeric, Black Pepper And Carrot Juice
Since time immemorial, we have valued our spices not only for their flavour but also their holistic benefits. Spices, if consumed in moderation, could do wonders for your immunity, with minimum side-effects.

No matter where we go, or what we do- one constantly plagued by this question, 'if this could lead to a flu?' A lot of us are trying our best to strengthen our immunity, and looking for some kind of magic formula that would keep the infection and viruses at bay. Turns out that there is no such magic potion; immunity is not built in a day. You need to work on it every day, make wise calls, eat responsibly and lead a healthy lifestyle to prepare your body's natural defenses to fight the seasonal ailments. Some of our kitchen ingredients may help too.

Since time immemorial, we have valued our spices not only for their flavour but also their holistic benefits. Spices, if consumed in moderation, could do wonders for your immunity, with minimum side-effects.

(Also Read: Turmeric And Black Pepper: The Kitchen Spices That Heal Together)

Immunity-Boosting Power Of Turmeric, Black Pepper And Carrots

India's golden spice turmeric is creating quite some stir on global shores for its healing benefits. Its active compound curcumin is known to have potent qualities to combat chronic infections. The anti-inflammatory properties are also helpful in managing the symptoms and discomfort tied to cold, cough and flu. Another wonder spice is black pepper is also enriched with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that help keep your body resilient against disease causing bacteria.
In addition to our spices, some of our veggies too are loaded with immunity-boosting properties. Carrots, for instance are replete with disease fighting Vitamin C. t also happens to be one of the best sources if beta-carotene, a potent antioxidant that fights free radical damage of cells, which in turn may take a toll on immunity.
(Also Turmeric could help rev up your immunity naturally

You could blend the goodness of these three in one juice and make yourself your own immunity-booster. Here's what you need.


1 small sized carrot
1 pinch of turmeric
1 tsp of black pepper powder
Water, as required

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1. Take a blender, and add all the ingredients. Blend until you get your desired consistency.

Drink this juice early in the morning for more benefits. Make sure you practice moderation and do not skip any medicines if you are on any.


(This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.)

About Sushmita Sengupta
Sharing a strong penchant for food, Sushmita loves all things good, cheesy and greasy. Her other favourite pastime activities other than discussing food includes, reading, watching movies and binge-watching TV shows.Read: Make Ginger-Tulsi Herbal Tea For Healthy Immunity This Monsoon)


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