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Virtual Public Hearing on the Folsom Quick-Build Project

Virtual Public Hearing on the Folsom Quick-Build Project
By Benjamin Barnett

bikers in the bike lane
Existing conditions of the project area that are slated for improvements.

The SFMTA will be holding a Virtual Engineering Public Hearing on the Folsom Quick-Build Project. This project is an effort to improve traffic safety and comfort for all people traveling along Folsom Street between Second and Fifth streets by implementing cost-effective and temporary design treatments that can be installed quickly. At the event you can learn more about the proposed changes, ask questions, or make official public comments.

Virtual Public Hearing Details:  

The interactive, online event can be accessed at any time during the two-week period listed below. Like the SFMTA’s in-person project open houses, when you access the event you will be able to learn more about the project such as the schedule, project background, and other aspects through virtual informational boards. The public will then have an opportunity to see the proposed design, ask questions via email, and leave a public comment about the project. Project staff will respond to questions and comments received and the responses will be posted back to the Virtual Public Hearing web page in a couple of days.

Join us online any time starting 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, August 12 through 11:30 p.m Wednesday, August 26 by visiting

Proposed Quick-build Improvements

The Folsom Street Quick-Build project serves as a temporary traffic safety improvement while the longer-term Folsom Howard Streetscape project finishes the detailed design and prepares for construction. The project will implement the following quick-build improvements to improve traffic safety:

  • Upgrade the existing bike lane to a parking-protected bikeway in the eastbound direction to provide a more comfortable and separated space for people riding bikes
  • Daylighting and modifying or adding advanced limit lines at intersections to improve visibility
  • Improve loading conditions for businesses and residents in the area
  • Traffic lane reduction to redistribute roadway space for all road users

bikes on the bike path
Existing conditions of the project area that are slated for improvements.

Folsom-Howard Streetscape Project

Since 2016, the SFMTA has been working to improve traffic safety and livability on Folsom Street, as part of the Folsom-Howard Streetscape Project in support of the city’s commitment to Vision Zero. After several years of community engagement, analysis, and conceptual design development, the project was approved by the SFMTA Board of Supervisors in June 2019. The project is now in the detailed design phase and the project team is working on finalizing civil design details, coordinating utility work for the proposed hardscape changes, and developing construction level documents. This project will implement traffic safety improvements to better facilitate interactions of various modes, reduce the potential for conflicts, and increase comfort in bicycling and walking.

Language Assistance:  

For free interpretation services, please submit your request 48 hours in advance of meeting to 415.646.4270 

Para servicios de interpretación gratuitos, por favor haga su petición 48 horas antes de la reunión a 415.646.4270 

如果需要免費口語翻譯,請於會議之前48小時提出要求 415.646.4270 

Para sa libreng serbisyo sa interpretasyonkailangan mag-request 48 oras bago ang miting 415.646.4270 

Published August 06, 2020 at 01:02AM


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