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Valencia Street and Grant Street: The first two “Shared Spaces” Street Closures 

Valencia Street and Grant Street: The first two “Shared Spaces” Street Closures 
By Phillip Pierce

To expand public space for physically distanced outdoor dining, retail and mobility, the city’s Shared Spaces program will close parts of Valencia Street to traffic starting this week. This temporary repurposing of Valencia Street from Thursdays to Sundays is similar to another zone created on Grant Street in Chinatown on weekends. 

Valencia and Grant streets are the first two full street closures in the Shared Spaces program, initiated by Mayor Breed to support the economic and social recovery of neighborhood businesses. 

 A shared space in front of a Mano restaurant

a Mano restaurant in Hayes Valley using the area in front of their restaurant as a Shared Space.  

A multiagency city program of the Economic Recovery Task Force, the program allows merchants to use sidewalks, full or partial streets, and other nearby public spaces like parks and plazas for restaurant pick-up and other neighborhood retail activity, as allowed by San Francisco’s Public Health Order.  

Valencia Street Shared Space 

Beginning this week and continuing through the fall, each Thursday through Sunday from 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., the following blocks will be closed to traffic and open for people: 

  • Valencia between 16th and 17th streets  

  • Valencia between 17th and 18th streets (Local traffic and deliveries allowed)  

  • Valencia between 18th and 19th streets 

Local traffic for residents and deliveries will be tightly controlled by ambassadors on Valencia between 17th and 18th streets. All parking for this block will be converted into short-term loading zones for the same hours each week. These loading zones will support take-out food orders, passenger drop-off and pick-up and similar uses. Normal parking will not be allowed on the block during this time. People walking and biking may pass through the entire length of the Shared Space on Valencia from 16th to 19th streets anywhere on the street. 

Grant Street Shared Space 

As of last weekend and through the fall, parts of Grant and Commercial streets in Chinatown will be temporarily closed to traffic every Saturday and Sunday from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Parking along the following blocks is restricted during the operational time and through traffic is advised to use other routes. 

  • Grant between California and Washington streets 

  • Commercial between Kearny Street and Grant Avenue 

The first weekend was huge success and the community looks forward to the coming weekends. As a reminder, these spaces are not for block parties/gatherings and all rules related to physical distancing, face covering, and other public health requirements apply. 

Find Out How Your Business Can Apply for Shared Spaces

For more information on the program or to apply visit the Shared Spaces website. Each application is reviewed by a city committee with representatives from SF Planning, SFMTA, Public Works, the Fire Department and SFPD to ensure it does not interfere with emergency operations, meets accessibility requirements and has a solid operation plan. Business owners self-manage the Shared Spaces and must have plans for public safety and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).  

Published July 24, 2020 at 04:48AM


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Update: Car Free Market Street and FAQ

Update: Car Free Market Street and FAQ By Phillip Pierce As you may have already heard (or read in our  previous blog post ), starting on Wednesday, January 29 some of the busiest sections of Market Street are going “Car Free” to increase safety and improve Muni. That means no private vehicles will be allowed to travel along Market Street eastbound from 10th to Main or westbound from Steuart to Van Ness. Traffic will still be able to cross Market, but there will be no turns onto the street in the car-free area.   Our crews are hard at work getting the street prepared and have already installed signs that will be unveiled on January 29th. In addition, we’ve created new pedestrian safety zones, added new loading zones and are extending the Muni lanes down Market Street.  Crews installed signs alongside streets in preparation for the changes on January 29. Most signs were put up and will be covered up (or “bagged”) until next week when the car-free Market begins.  Red Muni lanes ge