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In-person Lifeline Pass Sales to Resume in August

In-person Lifeline Pass Sales to Resume in August
By Sophia Scherr

As in-person sales of the Lifeline pass are set to resume on August 21, 2020, changes to the Lifeline program are also underway. As the state of emergency persists, a new online application process has been launched and changes are being made to locations where the passes can be purchased.

Lifeline is a Muni-only monthly pass for customers with limited incomes. Lifeline customers get unlimited access to Muni service for a calendar month at a 50% discount off the standard adult monthly pass price. Individuals with a gross annual income, also known as income before taxes, at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty level are eligible to receive the Lifeline pass. Currently, Lifeline program applications and requests for replacement cards are still being accepted online or by mail, and expired Lifeline passes have been extended until April 2022.

Lifeline pass holders may also qualify Clipper’s START program, a new regional discount program that provides a 50% single ride fare discount to those who qualify for Lifeline. Clipper START is a great option if you qualify for Lifeline, but don't ride enough to need a monthly pass.

New Application Process

A new online application has been developed for people trying to get a Lifeline pass and those seeking replacement cards, that allows pass holders to securely upload necessary income certification. Once an application is approved, Lifeline pass holders receive a receipt via e-mail that may be used for proof of payment for two weeks (to allow time to mail the program card). The photo element of the Lifeline ID card is also being eliminated to allow online and by-mail applications.

In addition to existing eligibility options such as Medi-Cal or EBT cards, etc., proof of receipt of—or application for—unemployment insurance will also be accepted. For those unable to provide documentation, a self-certification of income will be accepted, with acknowledgement that the application may be subject to audit.

Customers whose eligibility is established through unemployment or self-certification will receive a one-year Lifeline pass. Self-certification will apply to all SFMTA low-income programs (boot, tow, payment plans, etc.).

Lifeline Sales Locations

There are changes to where you can buy your Lifeline pass. Lifeline passes are also now available for purchase via MuniMobile for those that have a valid Lifeline ID. However, due to capacity limitations, Lifeline pass sales will be discontinued at the Human Services Agency’s (170 Otis Street) office, as well as the SFMTA Customer Service Center (11 South Van Ness Ave).

Lifeline passes will be sold seven days a week, from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the following SFMTA kiosk locations:

  • Presidio Avenue and Geary Boulevard
  • Powell and Market Streets
  • Bay and Taylor Streets

Lifeline passes are also being sold at the locations listed below:

  • EVS Enterprises, LLC (Photo Focus) - 1100 Stockton Street
  • Visitacion Valley Pharmacy - 100 Leland Avenue
  • Lucky Spot - 1944 Irving Street

Visit for information on operating hours.

Published July 30, 2020 at 04:52AM


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