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This Weekend: Tulipmania at the Wharf and Goats in North Beach

This Weekend: Tulipmania at the Wharf and Goats in North Beach
By Schad Dalton

Tulipmania at Pier 39
Pier 39 comes alive with color during the annual Tulipmania event taking place this month. Photo: Ed and Eddie/Flickr

Valentine's Tulipmania

Feb. 8-17, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily
Pier 39

Spring is nearly here and that means Tulipmania returns to Pier 39 with daily guided tours of the thousands of tulips brought in for the occasion. Lasting from February 8th through 17th, this Valentine's weekend is a perfect time to experience the vibrant colors and delightful scents of the tulips dispersed around Pier 39. Learn more about the flowers, receive helpful gardening tips and more with one of the guided tours or stop by for a self-guided tour any time during before the event concludes.

How to Get There on Muni: Head up to Fisherman's Wharf via the E Embarcadero or F Market streetcar lines, as well as the 8 Bayshore, 39 Coit, or 47 Van Ness routes.

Muni Service Notes: There are no planned service changes for this event.

Valentine's Goat Cuddling

Friday, 4 to 8 p.m.
North Beach

That's right, Valentine's Day but with goats. Spend time with that special someone during this unique happy hour event in North Beach that features goat cuddling, photos with goats, local art and artists and, of course, beverages for all ages. All proceeds from this event will go to support City Grazing, a local charitable organization that provides landscaping aimed at sustainable land management and fire risk reduction through the use of goat grazing.

How to Get There on Muni: Head to the event using the 8 Bayshore, 30 Stockton, 39 Coit or 45 Union/Stockton routes.

Muni Service Notes: There are no planned service changes for this event.

Remember that you can take Muni for the entire day for a single $5 fare. The new $5 Day Pass, available on MuniMobile®, is part of Muni’s recent fare changes. The pass is intended to encourage a safe, convenient way to pay your fare and quickly board Muni vehicles, which reduces overall travel time for everyone. The $5 Day Pass is Muni bus, rail and historic streetcars only.

“On Tap” gives you a heads up about the big events in town and what Muni routes and lines will get you to the party. Look for this feature to be posted usually on Thursdays for a look ahead to the weekend. Check out our Weekend Traffic & Transit Advisory for more details.

Published February 13, 2020 at 02:24AM


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