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SFMTA Public Meetings February 3 - February 17

SFMTA Public Meetings February 3 - February 17

buses using transit lanes with e scooter and e bike

Board of Directors Meeting

Tuesday, February 4, 1 p.m.
City Hall, Room 400
Nearby Muni Routes: 5, 19, 21, 47, 49, F Market, Civic Center Station

The SFMTA Board of Directors provides policy oversight for the safe and efficient transportation of goods and services in San Francisco. This includes the San Francisco Municipal Railway (Muni), automobiles and trucks, taxis, bicycling and walking. The SFMTA Board of Directors also serves as members of the San Francisco Parking Authority.

Our board of directors meetings are usually held on the first and third Tuesdays of each month. The agenda for Tuesday's meeting includes presentations regarding the Embarcadero traffic safety.

ConnectSF Public Workshop

Saturday, February 8, 6 p.m.
Park Branch Library Meeting Room
Nearby Muni Routes: 5, 19, 21, 47, 49, F Market, Civic Center Station

What should transportation in San Francisco look like in 30 years? Join ConnectSF at one of our upcoming, hands-on workshops. Your input will be critical in helping us identify project and policy concepts as we look to build a transportation system that will best serve us in the future.

Pedestrian Safety Advisory Committee

Tuesday, February 11, 6 p.m.
City Hall, Room 400
Nearby Muni Routes: 5, 19, 21, 47, 49, F Market, Civic Center Station

The PSAC has been charged with providing expertise on issues concerning pedestrian safety, convenience, ambiance and planning as well as advocating for pedestrian safety by engaging the public, Board of Supervisors and other relevant agencies. To better engage these entities, PSAC has documented their observations about the current state of pedestrian safety in San Francisco and their recommendations for improvements.

It is in the public interest to officially recognize walking as an important component of our transportation system, and as a key component to creating livable and suitable communities. The Pedestrian Safety Advisory Committee, composed of concerned and informed residents, was established to provide insight into issues concerning pedestrian safety, convenience, ambiance and planning.

Our Meeting Round-Up feature highlights different SFMTA public meetings that will be held within the coming two weeks. These meetings give you the chance to share your ideas and provide us with helpful feedback. Join us at our next meeting to learn more about SF's changing and complex transportation system.

Those listed above are just a few highlights. You can find a full list of upcoming meetings to keep up to date on your favorite SFMTA committees.

Published February 04, 2020 at 04:50AM


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Update: Car Free Market Street and FAQ

Update: Car Free Market Street and FAQ By Phillip Pierce As you may have already heard (or read in our  previous blog post ), starting on Wednesday, January 29 some of the busiest sections of Market Street are going “Car Free” to increase safety and improve Muni. That means no private vehicles will be allowed to travel along Market Street eastbound from 10th to Main or westbound from Steuart to Van Ness. Traffic will still be able to cross Market, but there will be no turns onto the street in the car-free area.   Our crews are hard at work getting the street prepared and have already installed signs that will be unveiled on January 29th. In addition, we’ve created new pedestrian safety zones, added new loading zones and are extending the Muni lanes down Market Street.  Crews installed signs alongside streets in preparation for the changes on January 29. Most signs were put up and will be covered up (or “bagged”) until next week when the car-free Market begins.  Red Muni lanes ge