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Showing posts from September, 2022

What a Year It Has Been! Let the Celebration of Transit Month Continue

What a Year It Has Been! Let the Celebration of Transit Month Continue By Erin McMillan 49 Van Ness/Mission using the brand new bus rapid transit lanes on opening day in April. During Transit Month this September, we’re continuing the celebration by looking back to more of the work we’ve done over the last year— some that has been less obvious to Muni customers, but critical to a well-functioning system and other work that is more front and center. Fix It! Week and Continuing State of good Repair Work Muni is an impressive transit system. Moving thousands of people on rail and buses every day takes a lot of coordination and a lot of work. Dealing with unique challenges like San Francisco’s geography and shifting travel patterns, we also have to deal with issues related to the Muni system’s age. Proper care and maintenance of a transit system many decades old takes strategic planning as regular maintenance needs to happen while continuing to provide service. Typically, regular Mun...

Celebrating BART at 50: A Critical Link for San Francisco

Celebrating BART at 50: A Critical Link for San Francisco By Jeremy Menzies This month, our sister agency BART, celebrates its 50th anniversary . BART service changed transportation in the Bay Area forever, connecting communities in a way that hadn’t been done before. For San Francisco, the construction of BART not only provided new travel options within the city and to the East Bay but also built the Muni Metro system. Here’s a look at some of BART’s history through the SFMTA’s historic photos. This conceptual drawing from around 1960 shows the combined BART and Muni Metro subway underneath Market Street at Powell. The story of BART goes back decades before the opening in September 1972. It wasn’t until the early 1960s that a plan and funding were in place for BART to come to fruition. Originally, five counties formed the Bay Area Rapid Transit District. In a 1960 engineering report , proposed route maps showed lines extending both north across the Golden Gate into Marin and s...

Let’s Celebrate During Transit Month this September

Let’s Celebrate During Transit Month this September By Erin McMillan The 38R Geary Rapid reaping the benefits of the Temporary Emergency Transit Lane on Geary Boulevard. Today marks the start of Transit Month! Every year we look forward to celebrating Transit Month by looking back at all the successes of the previous year—and also by thinking of our upcoming opportunities to continue to improve Muni. Over the past year, we have made a series of improvements through our Muni Forward program that reduced travel times, wait times and crowding:   Reduced travel time by up to 31% on key bus routes as part of  the Temporary Emergency Transit Lanes program , giving more riders the benefit of the transit lanes faster.   10 miles of transit lanes were made permanent benefitting the T Third, 1 California, 14 Mission, 19 Polk, 27 Bryant, 38 Geary, 43 Masonic and the 44 O’Shaughnessy. This cool animation shows how transit priority is improving Muni travel times citywide! ...